A week in Galley!!! That may sound as an exotic place to be holidaying into. As kismet would have it galley translates to kitchen. Well the week past saw me in kitchen rummaging through all possible nooks in my tryst with date. Now that Mom’s back from a bout I feel life had always not been prosaic. Reflecting back on the new assignment as Chef I guess life is not fair on everyone.
Day one saw me rolling into kitchen after a long lapse and head in jitters. The matter that I had become completely alien to the set up of the dabbas did not make choices easier either. Cruising on safe mode I decided to go on with ‘Khichdi’. Well the choice made began the Herculean task of being sure as to what box contained what. The awful grudging of boxes along with the whistle of cooker signalled the conclusion of noon. Though to my dismay found that the curry needed a tinge more of salt. Pooris in night made up for the eventful day. Well the beginning seemed all auspicious, but as days waned the work seemed to tax a lot. Realising that Mom’s carrying over this work over and out for so many days without loss of precision (McGrath will find himself rated less on this account of precision) made for a thoughtful pondering. Well the week saw me trying my hand at almost all the things some not so well and some decent.
Well the point I wanted to raise is we all have been taxing in our own little way. The work seemingly so easy to unfold gets monotonous after few days and to be drawn into it for days together needs real patience. I do feel blessed to be gorging on things made with such intricate details without twirling my head a bit. Is this not enough to make Moms the best thing to have happened to anyone’s life???
6 years ago
dis writeup made me go down d memory lane n reminisces me of d day wen my classmate innocently rplied to one of d questionz in d communication class session.....
he was asked to extemporise on d topic..mother.......n he sed hez proud to hve a mum .whoz a homemaker n shez d one who getz him all d delectable foodz by puttin in so much effort.....i was glad to hear it frm a guy..bcuz d topic of debate was dat whoz btr a workin mum or a homemaker..n many kiddies out of d group exaggerated d need for a mum who earns..he was d only one who insisted n made us all believe dat housewives aint ne less.
dis is too long a comment..but u actually made me recall such a beautiful lesson of mah life
I still retreat madame anonymous that house wives do this stuff best.. the point I wanted to convey is they dont get the recognition they deserve.. Its kinda taken for granted...Thats why we chipping in with things might help and ease up things...
yes, all moms (specially the ones who make home-making their career) shouldn't be taken for granted!
hope you enjoyed your week at the galley! :)
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