Days of hard work and it gets nullified by a single non- validation! Yeah, I have no other thing going in my mind, so giving this tag a go. How grateful shall I remain to Buddha to tag me, only time shall test!
Last Movie Seen in Theatre
Hmmm… hmmmm.. Wait I think I have turned a full cycle. No “theatre movie” :O this sem. “Om Shanti Om” was my last with a multiplex.
Good? Bad? Passable?
Remember Deepika?
Book Being Read
If(e-books satisfy the criteria)
“Chariots of the Gods”- Erich Von Danniken. God or astronauts? Pictures of earth’s panorama even when fire was unknown to human kind!
Academic books, notably on filters (never grasped what they filter in and what they filter out).
Favourite Board Game
Was interesting to note, in other tags, how games slipped past with years. Rules still change in my dictionary almost everyday as we(Me, Mom and brother) argue over the board(Caroms, Monopoly or Ludo). The games which captivated me as a kid- Lexicon and Instant cricket.
Favourite Magazine
Duhh.. Havent been on any from ages. Science Reporter and Wisdom with all the promises to the exalted sphere of intelligentsia, were previewed with vigor. Alas! It was once upon a time!
Favourite Smells
Wet earth. ( Much had been artistically said about them)
Smell of a perfectly laid football pitch.
Oddly enough, diesel smells good.
And yes, the ‘smell’ of exotic mom’s cuisines.
Favourite Sounds
Droplets of rain from the asbestos to the grills to the water puddle. Period.
The rhythm of a march past( read the scouts escapades).
The group of storks fluttering their wings in the pond while you nestle in some tree branch.
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
Check my cell to be informed of the TIME!
Worst feeling in the world
Going through one now. When all your hard works are not even looked upon. Coupling it up with the tag “COPIED”.
Sitting in the audience and seeing your team lose.
Favourite Fast Food Place
Anything, anywhere.
Aap main aur DEW ki bottle?
Future Child’s Name
Aahh.. Mom has already reserved the rights! SORRY ya.
Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…” go to all sorts of places to see MANCHESTER UNITED play.
Do you drive fast? Quite a lot by mom’s standards. Otherwise, it mainly depends on MOOD!
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No. Of course not.
Storms - Cool or Scary? COOL.
Do you eat the stems on broccoli? “Zara ORIYA mein samjhayiyega”. I eat on Albert R. Broccoli 007 movies.
If you could dye your hair any colour, what would be your choice? Black. My hairs are getting white!
All towns/cities you have lived in Balasore, Bhadrak, Berhampur, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Gandhinagar.
Favourite sports to watch Football. Nothing compares to the nascent magic of football in move.
Cricket(read India),Hockey ( read brother), Badminton (read Dad)…hmmmm WWE as a child. :P.
One nice thing about the person who sent this to you “He has words of WISDOM gathered over experience. Don’t overlook them”
What’s under your bed?
A suitcase locked with dirty secrets and dark fantasies. Pair of sports shoes. Hmmm and a lots of dust.
Would you like to be born as yourself again? Yes. But as a younger sibling.
Morning person or night owl?
Someone said: - “Dawn is the time when men of reason take to bed”.
Over easy or sunny side up?
Feed back me on that.…
Favourite Place to Relax
Present State: Galla.
Wishful State: Village. With the echoing silence of time.
Favourite Pie
Chocolate Pie. Never tried anything else.
Favourite Ice Cream
Butter Scotch, Anything with Chocolate.
Ahhh.. The easiest part. Hmmmm
I pass the baton to Tuli, Evil(ution), Malvika.
done. you have way too much free time Pinky :@
Its interesting to see the tag go places :D Great!
Look who speaketh about free time :|
Anyway, nice work Pinks darling. At least I understood most of the tag.
Maybe all your posts will reflect the same quality from now on eh?
Saale kitni cheezo mein mera wala answer diya hai...yeh koi mcs ka quiz hai ki saamne wale ka taap liya???
And yes, change Buddha to Budhau...Buddha written in English reminds me of the Great Buddha, not our old man
Result of too much involvement with MCS!
Budhau,or buddha, or budddha whatever you wish to call.. He remains our dear old man, ur hindi connotation notwithstanding!
*yawn*..if it helps...boring post..churn out your 'nobody understands what I write except few' post pls...
younger siblings rock :D and nice post again. :D
so......it was nice goin thru ur blogs.every1 want 2 b a kid wen he grows up.......missin those school days...........gud job.keep updating.
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