The ants of the same anthill! The story shall be etched forever in a distant chapter. It all started the fateful day when most of them were forced to dance to the tune of a birthday. It was the beginning. Like every great story, it had a middle
and an end-the middle was fascinating. The line of ants flocking together in a single filed line to the outings. They were not alike not in any sense of word!They varied in sizes to moods and to tastes! But they struck to the filed line. The ant hill was the happening place at nights with its sessions of glorious uncertainties capable of infinite monotones collectively. It was almost ironic that the magic lingered for so long!
Now they part. Different lines, different choices! It wouldn't be the same long line any more! No more waits, no more group sms! The hugs were different this time. He knew everything couldn't be set down correctly with this hug. The gamut of emotions the imagery of togetherness flashed in an instant! The misunderstandings seemed so trivial in front of the bonding and attachment, he felt like letting go of everything else! It had to be. Everyone made him believe so. Not everyone can be wrong- It had to be!

He stares at the collage of pictures and he realizes what a "happy place" in reality would be-the place and the people he would like to be with. He blinked his eyes to the happy place where he was surrounded by people he wished to be. It was a happy zone. It is a happy zone. He bids his time and awaits his time, when he parts away from the ant hill. The abode where living alone was both sinful, sundry and difficult!The hug of life? A walk....err.. The walk to remember?
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard " goes the line...juz consider urself lucky to have had something that makes the walk of life, indeed memorable...no matter how bitter-sweet the memories are! :)
Why are they named good byes? Any good attached with good bye?
yes indeed..itz called goodbye so that it carries the hope to meet again!! :)
Prabhu, very very sensitively, and "real"ly written. Felt it so.
Yes there are those moments, when you wish that time would not move, that it would take you back in that steam of nostalgia, and you think...
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard "...
What a beautiful line that is.
And then you get on that carousel of life. In the hurdy gurdy ride, a time will come, when you hug life that is waiting for you... :)
Take care. God Bless
aah.. the farewell bug finally bit someone.. :)
I should say that this is one of ur best posts. Splendid :)
Life goes on ... relentlessly ... mercilessly! :) And you'll move on to...
If you resist, you'll only end up hurting yourself more.. :)
And 'goodbyes' - I suppose the 'good' is there to ensure we part happily ... in a nice way ... so that the last memory of the person is a 'good' one... :)
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